Oxnard College

Nacimiento performed by Ballet Nepantla

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

OC LIVE invites you to join us for “Nacimiento” performed by Ballet Nepantla on Tuesday, February 20th at 6pm in the beautiful Oxnard College Performing Arts Building. Nacimiento fuses the history of the birth of the mestizaje with the emergence of Christianity and Christmas in the New World. It explores pre-Hispanic rituals and the impact of colonization on the Americas. Nacimiento examines stories of La Malinche, Juan Diego and the Virgen de Guadalupe, and other historical characters whose stories are seminal to the identities of the New World. Act II of Nacimiento demonstrates the festive nature of how Mexican Christmas traditions are celebrated today in Mexico and in North America, through the Posadas: celebratory dances and retelling of the Nativity scene.

Ballet Nepantla originated from a series of pláticas between founders Andrea Guajardo and Martín Rodríguez, two artists whose early professional identities emerged from distinct genres: Andrea from classical ballet and contemporary dance, and Martin from traditional Mexican folklórico. They envisioned a new form of expression that fused the two modalities, and they envisioned an aesthetic that would speak to the historical, cultural, and social realities of a broader narrative of being Mexican, Mexican American, immigrant, and trans-cultural.

Drawing inspiration from Gloria Anzaldúa’s borderlands theory, Andrea and Martín imagined they could create performances that spoke to the “in-between” qualities of being from both sides of the borderland. They found the idea of Nepantla, a Nahuatl term of the indigenous people of Mexico. Nepantla provides a historical, intellectual, and artistic framework through which to explore the “in-between” spaces of history and culture by exploring new artistic expression that fuses different traditions on stage. Thus, Ballet Nepantla was born in January 2017.

“Being able to connect my border roots with my professional training has been a way to find who I am as a person, and as a Mexican-American.”  — Andrea Guajardo

“Ballet Nepantla... puede servir como un ejemplo para animar a que otros niños latinos luchen por alcanzar sus sueños.”  — Perla Arrellano

For more information, visit: www.balletnepantla.com

This is a FREE event that is open to the public. No tickets are necessary. Parking is FREE in Lot “H”. Find all of our livestreams and event information on the web at oxnardcollege/oclive.

Oxnard College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or sexual orientation.


OC LIVE te invita a unirte a nosotros para “Nacimiento” presentado por Ballet Nepantla el martes 20 de febrero a las 6 p.m. en el hermoso Oxnard College Performing Arts Building. Nacimiento une  la historia del comienzo del mestizaje con el surgimiento del cristianismo y la Navidad en el Nuevo Mundo. Explora los rituales prehispánicos y el impacto de la colonización en las Américas. Nacimiento examina historias de La Malinche, Juan Diego y la Virgen de Guadalupe, y otros personajes históricos cuyas historias son fundamentales para las identidades del Nuevo Mundo. El Acto II de Nacimiento demuestra el carácter festivo de cómo se celebran hoy las tradiciones navideñas mexicanas en México y América del Norte, a través de las Posadas: bailes de celebración y recuento  de Belén.

Ballet Nepantla se originó a partir de una serie de pláticas entre los fundadores Andrea Guajardo y Martín Rodríguez, dos artistas cuyas primeras identidades profesionales surgieron de distintos géneros: Andrea del ballet clásico y danza contemporánea, y Martín del folklórico tradicional mexicano. Imaginaron una nueva forma de expresión que une las dos modalidades, e imaginaron una estética que hablaría de las realidades históricas, culturales y sociales de una narrativa más amplia de ser mexicano, mexicoamericano, inmigrante y transcultural.

Inspirándose en la teoría de las zonas fronterizas de Gloria Anzaldúa, Andrea y Martín imaginaron que podían crear actuaciones que hablaran de las cualidades “intermedias” de ser de ambos lados de la zona fronteriza. Encontraron la idea de Nepantla, un término náhuatl de los indígenas de México. Nepantla proporciona un marco histórico, intelectual y artístico a través del cual explorar los espacios “intermedios” de la historia y la cultura explorando nuevas expresiones artísticas que unen diferentes tradiciones en el escenario. Así nació Ballet Nepantla en enero de 2017.

“Poder conectar mis raíces fronterizas con mi formación profesional ha sido una forma de encontrar quién soy como persona y como mexicano-estadounidense.” – Andrea Guajardo

“Ballet Nepantla... puede servir como un ejemplo para animar a que otros niños latinos luchen por alcanzar sus sueños.” – Perla Arellano

Para más información visita: www.balletnepantla.com

Este es un evento GRATUITO que está abierto al público No se necesitan boletos. El estacionamiento es GRATUITO en el lote “H”. Encuentre todas nuestras transmisiones en vivo e información de eventos en la web en oxnardcollege/oclive.

El Colegio de Oxnard no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional, sexo, discapacidad, edad u orientación sexual.

Nacimiento performed by Ballet Nepantla
Oxnard College
Oxnard College Performing Arts Building
Oxnard College Performing Arts Building
Nacimiento performed by Ballet Nepantla

OC LIVE: Who Needs Film School? An evening with Ryan Koo

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

OC LIVE invites you to join us for “Who Needs Film School? An evening with Ryan Koo” on Tuesday, February 6th at 6pm in the beautiful Oxnard College Performing Arts Building (PAB) Black Box. Join Ryan Koo and OC Live Director Nicholas C. Pappas for a conversation about the process of Kickstarting a film project, turning a short into a smash hit feature film for Netflix, the landscape of today’s film industry, and attempting to answer the question: Who Needs Film School?

Ryan Koo’s directorial debut AMATEUR is a 2018 Netflix Original Film starring Michael Rainey Jr. and Josh Charles. Vulture called the basketball film “a scrupulously researched defense of player’s rights — that is, the rights of the working class — [which] scores.”

Koo’s screenplay for AMATEUR was selected for the Sundance Screenwriters Lab and received Sundance’s first Asian American Fellowship, as well as additional support from Tribeca, The Gotham, and the Film Society of Lincoln Center. His Kickstarter campaign for AMATEUR was the most successful narrative film in Kickstarter history at the time.

His short version of AMATEUR won multiple film festival awards and was selected as a Vimeo Staff Pick. His web series THE WEST SIDE, Koo won the Webby Award for Best Drama Series and was named one of Filmmaker Magazine’s 25 New Faces of Film.

He is also the founder of the popular filmmaking website No Film School.

As part of the evening, we’ll be watching Ryan’s award winning short, “Amateur,” and Ryan will be taking questions from the audience.

This is a FREE event that is open to the public. No tickets are necessary. Parking is FREE in Lot “H”. Find all of our livestreams and event information on the web at oxnardcollege/oclive.

Oxnard College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or sexual orientation.

El Colegio de Oxnard no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional, sexo, discapacidad, edad u orientación sexual.

Who Needs Film School? An evening with Ryan Koo
Oxnard College
Oxnard College Performing Arts Building
Oxnard College Performing Arts Building
Who Needs Film School? An evening with Ryan Koo
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