Oxnard College

Rebbecca Brown

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Adjunct Professor
PhD in English (Creative Writing) University of Louisiana at Lafayette
MA in English (Creative Writing) California State University, Northridge
BA in English (Creative Writing) California State University, Northridge

Rebbecca Brown's writing has appeared in The Hunger Journal, The Decadent Review, Quibble Lit, American Literary Review, Confrontation, Eclipse, Masque and Spectacle and Miracle Monocle (among others).  A former Fulbright- Nehru Visiting Lecturer, she currently teaches in the College of Creative Studies at UC Santa Barbara and the English Department at Oxnard College.

They Become Her (What Books Press - 2014)
Mouth Trap (Arc Pair Press - 2018)
Anybody Home (forthcoming from Gnashing Teeth Press - 2023)

Dylan Altman

Photo of Dylan Altman. He wears a black tie and a dark-blue button up.
(805) 678-5362
California State University, Northridge: Master of Arts, English
California State University, Northridge: Double-Major: Honors Literature & Creative Writing
Dylan Altman is a husband, father, writer, educator, filmmaker, artist, and wearer of “many hats.” He is an adjunct English Instructor at Oxnard College and at his Alma Mater CSUN. He believes in the transformative power of narrative and language.
What Your Teachers Are Playing, 2016
Heroines of Gaming, 2017
Making Mulaka, 2018

Claudia Moreno Parsons

Dr. Claudia Moreno Parsons
Professor of English
(805) 678-5271
PhD, The Graduate Center, City University of New York
MA, Brooklyn College, City University of New York
BA, Brooklyn College, City University of New York

I am a teacher, scholar, and writer with a wide range of interests, and I have been teaching at Oxnard College since 2017. I teach composition and literature courses, including courses such as Introduction to Latinx Literature and Creative Writing.

Walking into my classrooms every semester (in person and in the virtual space!), meeting my students every year, is a thrilling experience, one I never tire of. I feel incredibly lucky to be a teacher, and I have devoted myself to developing and expanding my skills as a professor. As a teacher, I work in collaboration with my students to provide a strong model for thinking critically and practicing skills

After beginning my undergraduate college career as an Anthropology major, I switched my focus to do what I truly love: read books. Studying Medieval Arab and Western European literatures while earning my Master’s degree at Brooklyn College (CUNY), I then focused on North American poetics at the CUNY Graduate Center, receiving my PhD in 2010. I have been teaching composition and literature courses since 1999, when I began my graduate studies.


• Claudia Moreno Parsons and Megan Paslawski, “From Claudia Moreno Parsons and Megan Paslawski: First thoughts on the letters of writer Lucia Berlin to the writers Edward Dorn and Jennifer Dorn.” Light Relief, Lost & Found: The CUNY Poetics Document Initiative, Series 3, Fall 2022.Amiri Baraka and Edward Dorn: The Collected Letters, University of New Mexico Press, 2013
• Claudia Moreno Parsons, “The Pleasure of Terror in Black Mirror: “Be Right Back,” “Playtest,” and “Metalhead.” Supernatural Studies Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2018, pp. 89 – 93.
• Claudia Moreno Parsons, “Dearest Olson.” Letters to Olson. Ed. Benjamin Hollander. New York: Spuyten Duyvil, 2016, pp. 39 – 47.
• Claudia Moreno Parsons, “The Long View of American History.” Rev. of The Shoshoneans: The People of the Basin-Plateau, by Edward Dorn. Warscapes May 2014.
• Claudia Moreno Parsons, “Into the Landscape of Humanity.” Rev. of A Little History and from the warring factions, by Ammiel Alcalay. Warscapes March 2014.
• Claudia Moreno Pisano, Ed., Amiri Baraka and Edward Dorn: The Collected Letters. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2013.
• Claudia Moreno Pisano, Ed., Amiri Baraka and Edward Dorn: Selections from the Collected Letters: 1959-1960. Lost & Found: The CUNY Poetics Document Initiative (Winter 2009)
• Claudia Moreno Pisano, “Ed Dorn and LeRoi Jones/Amiri Baraka: A Correspondence.” Big Bridge 3:4 (2007).
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