Discover the exciting trainings, workshops, and events offered to employees at VCCCD!

The Ventura County Community College District is dedicated to attracting, developing, and supporting a qualified workforce that focuses on serving the educational needs of our students. To support this mission, our workforce has access to an array of learning opportunities, including online and in-person workshops and trainings, leadership development opportunities, required new hire training, and more.

Accessing Online Training

To access online trainings in Keenan SafeColleges, please go to  Your username is your VCCCD email address, and you can set your own password.  If you need password assistance, please contact HR.

To access trainings and communities in the Vision Resource Center, log in using your MyVCCCD portal credentials on the Vision Resource Center login page.

Or, from your MyVCCCD portal, you can click on Resources for Staff, and then on College and District Professional Development, which will redirect you to the Vision Resource Center site.