Ventura College

Scott Brewer

scott brewer profile
(805) 289-6349
Student services Center #123
Monday: 3:00 pm-4:00 pm
Associate of Arts, Antelope Valley Community College
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, California State University, Northridge
Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology, University of California, Santa Barbara

It's with immense joy and a deep sense of honor that I serve as a counselor here at Ventura College. My journey has brought me here with one clear mission: to guide, uplift, and spark inspiration in our students as they navigate both their educational paths and the broader journey of life.

Beyond the campus, my heart is full with a vibrant family life; I am blessed to share my world with my partner and our five incredible children. This personal joy deeply influences my approach to counseling, where I see each student who walks through my door as a cherished individual, much like a member of my own family. With this perspective, I am committed to giving nothing but my absolute best, understanding the invaluable trust placed in me to support someone's precious child.

Atkinson, D., Abreu, J., Ortiz-Bush, Y., Brewer, S. (1994). Mexican American and European American Ratings of Four Alcoholism Treatment Programs, Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences , 16 265-280

Lauren Wintermeyer Ramirez

Photograph of Lauren A. Wintermeyer Ramirez, M.A., Ed.D.
(805) 289-6067
B.A. Speech Communication
M.A. Educational Counseling and Guidance, P.P.S. Credential
Ed.D. Educational Leadership
I earned a B.A. in Communication from San Francisco State University, a M.A. in Educational Counseling from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, and an Ed.D. in Educational Leadership from UC Santa Barbara. I have worked in public education since 2000, first as a K-12 classroom instructor, later as a community college administrator of SBCC's Dual Enrollment Program, and now as a faculty counselor at Ventura College.  I have researched dual enrollment extensively and wrote my dissertation about dual enrollment and community college persistence.  I believe in educational access and equity and am a co-founder of the Get Focused Stay Focused Program aimed at helping all students achieve college and career readiness and success.
Wintermeyer, L. (2012). A study of dual enrollment and community college persistence. (Doctoral dissertation, University of California Santa Barbara and California Polytechnic State University.) (ark:/48907/f3cc0xnp) (ISBN: 9781267648839)
Bingham, M., Hollems, D., & Wintermeyer, L. (2018). Get focused stay focused follow-up module 1 workbook - 2nd edition. Academic Innovations. (ISBN: 9781878787507)
Hollems, D., Wintermeyer, L., Bingham, M. (2018). Get focused stay focused follow-up module 2 workbook - 2nd edition. Academic Innovations. (ISBN: 9781878787767)
Wintermeyer, L., Bingham, M., Hollems, D. (2018). Get focused stay focused follow-up module 3 workbook - 2nd edition. Academic Innovations. (ISBN: 9781878787538)
Bingham, M., Hollems, D., Wintermeyer, L. (2015). Get focused stay focused program and instructional manual - 2nd edition. Academic Innovations. (ISBN: 9781878787514)
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