VCCCD Student Trustee

Candidate Platform Statement
Please share why you are interested in running for VCCCD Student Trustee.
My name is Amir Ayash, and I'm running to be your next Student Trustee for VCCCD, representing all students from Moorpark, Oxnard, and Ventura College.
I'm not running for a title; I'm running because our voices need to be heard. Too often, student concerns are overlooked. We deserve leadership that fights for us, stands with us, and gets things done.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement within the Ventura County Community College District?
Financial Aid Should Work for All Students
Financial aid shouldn't be confusing or discouraging. I'm fighting to make it clear & accessible so no student has to drop out due to financial struggles. Every student deserves a chance to succeed without drowning in debt.
Mental Health Should Be a Priority
Too many students suffer in silence, and that needs to change. Mental health resources should be expanded across all campuses. No student should ever feel alone in their struggle. I'm fighting for better access to healthcare, counseling, and emotional support for everyone.
I Stand with the LGBTQ+ Community
As an ally, I will always support safe, inclusive spaces for the LGBTQ+ community. No student should ever feel judged or unaccepted. I'll advocate for diverse events, stronger anti-discrimination policies, and real inclusivity on our campuses.
Representation for Middle Eastern and Underrepresented Students
As a proud Middle Eastern student, I understand the importance of representation. I'll push for greater inclusion of undervalued communities, advocate for human rights awareness, and ensure all voices are heard—especially those who are too often silenced.
I'm not afraid to speak up, stand up, and fight for all students. If you care about financial aid, mental health, human rights, and representation, I'm your Student Trustee candidate!
Vote Amir Ayash for Student Trustee
Because it's time for real change—not just promises.
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
I want to improve my skills in communication and leadership. I also think that it would be fun to help out in the events that go around campus.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
My goal is to eventually lead my own event at Ventura College. As the secretary of Ventura College's Computer Science Club, I already try to enhance student life and engagement within Ventura College by planning meetings that educate my members, while making it fun.
Moorpark College

Ada “Shredder” Muzoglu
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
As a dedicated student leader on the Moorpark College campus, I am extremely passionate about the prospect of being elected ASMC President, as it is my dream to be able to serve in this role and be able to continue advocating for the students on our campus, which is driven by my unwavering commitment. As a committed student advocate, I am eager to represent and amplify the voices of my constituents. With two years of experience of serving on various ASMC and SSCCC committees and caucuses, I have developed a deep understanding of the needs and concerns of not just the students on our campus, but also the students in the California Community College system. Throughout my time as a student leader, I have been able to successfully to craft three impactful resolutions and get two unanimously sponsored for this year's SSCCC General Assembly, which were extending on student athlete eligibility for community college students who are staying longer than two years, and on increasing STEM (particularly in environmental-related fields) student research opportunities for California Community College students. Beyond my work in crafting successful and impactful resolutions, I am a voting member of both the SSCCC Sustainability and Student Research caucuses, as well as leading the creation of the SSCCC Student Athlete caucus, demonstrating my commitment to amplifying student voices and fostering a vital platform for student advocacy. On campus, I have been able to spearhead campus environmental education initiatives as part of the ASMC Sustainability Committee and have been an active member of the President's Student Leadership Forum, signifying my commitment to representing student interests on campus. Lastly, as ASMC President, I want to be able to continue advocating for and championing Moorpark College student interests as well as being able to foster a collaborative environment for the students on our campus. As your ASMC President, I promise to continue listening and advocating for all your needs and concerns when it comes to important campus issues.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
If elected as ASMC President, my goal is to create an inclusive and transformative campus experience that empowers every student to succeed. To achieve this, I will focus on three core pillars: Enhancing Student Life on Campus, Amplifying Students' Voices Through Advocacy and Fostering Engagement on Campus. Firstly, I believe that every student on campus deserves to have a well-rounded and enriching experience on our campus. To enhance our student life on campus, I plan to revitalize campus events by collaborating with student organizations, faculty and the rest of the ASMC Board to develop a vibrant calendar of social events for our campus that will bring the student body together, such as workshops, concerts and events centered around major school traditions such as Homecoming. Additionally, I will work with the rest of the ASMC Board to improve mental health resources, especially for student groups who need it the most (ex. ACCESS Students) by expanding campus stress management programs and student wellness initiatives to support students' mental health and well-being. Furthermore, I will enhance campus resources by streamlining access to academic support, career guidance, student research opportunities, financial aid, and other essential services to ensure students on campus have the tools they need to succeed at Moorpark College. As ASMC President, I will be a fierce advocate for the needs and concerns of our students. To amplify student advocacy on campus, I will address campus, as well as issues affecting all California Community College students, by working with state and local leaders to address pressing concerns that are of relevance to my constituents, such as affordable education, textbook affordability and transfer opportunities. Moreover, I will foster partnerships with local organizations by collaborating with local advocacy groups and community organizations to amplify student voices and drive positive change. Finally, to foster campus engagement, I plan to leverage digital platforms by developing a comprehensive online presence, including social media, mobile apps, and student engagement portals, to connect students with campus resources, events, and opportunities. I will also promote real-world applications by working with faculty to integrate real-world examples, case studies, and project-based learning into the curriculum, making academic concepts more relevant and engaging. Furthermore, I will develop mentorship opportunities by establishing mentorship programs that pair students with peers, faculty, or staff, providing guidance, support, and valuable networking opportunities. By focusing on these three pillars, I aim to create a campus environment that is inclusive, supportive, and empowering. I am committed to listening to every student's voice, amplifying their concerns, and working tirelessly to address the issues that matter most. Together, we can build a brighter future for Moorpark College students.
Eva Ryan-Covarrubias
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
I am interested in becoming President of Moorpark College. In my previous experience with student government at Los Angeles Pierce College, I was the spokesperson or figurehead so to speak between different groups of our student body, administration, other colleges, four-year universities, and private veterinarians that worked with LAPC. As a senate member for LAPC, as well as the secretary of the LAPC Pre-Veterinary Club, I was a liaison between the senate for the LAPC Student Government, the Ars Poetica Club, and the Pre-Veterinary Club on campus. My job was to help create and vote upon new policy changes as well as advocate for students in various ways. As the Secretary of the Pre-Veterinary Club, I was the overseer of our meeting minutes and other managerial aspects of the LAPC-PVC, such as taking attendance during our meetings and outings, preparing and sending out the schedules before and after our meetings, as well as delegating members across other areas within the PVC. I want to be a voice for our student body and I believe that becoming the student body President would be a perfect fit for my background and experience thus far in my educational journey.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
If elected I would like to work closely with our Vice President, appointed delegates and other various members of the student senate on building a business plan, and a budget toward a new ASMC scholarship geared toward students who are interested in law school as an educational goal, or perhaps students who have struggled with mental illness or dual diagnosis issues. Changing up policy and working towards reformation of existing policy and practices for students who attended Moorpark College that are particularly vulnerable such as students with disabilities, hardship and those students on financial aid is very important to me. I would like to advocate for healthier choices in our cafeteria, and maybe work with the local farmers markets to bring in local fresh foods. Also, I want to work closely with on-campus clubs centered around the arts to host and plan events for students. Lastly, I would like to work with Moorpark College's Office of Administration and act as liaison between the student body, different groups within the student body, instructors, and the student senate.
Tyler Lamb
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
I recognize that this position would allow me to effect positive changes for both current and aspiring students at Moorpark.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
As the ASMC President, my fundamental aim would be to ensure the voices of all Moorpark students are heard, respected, and advocated for at the district level. I would accomplish this by regularly and proactively seeking out the current concerns and complaints directly from the student body. Any plans made to address these concerns would be shared openly with all Moorpark students, along with updates on the progress made in accomplishing these policies. I spent four years in the Marine Corps and served as a LCpl in the SSgt billet of lead manifest aboard the USS Essex for the 11th MEU. During that deployment I directly supervised 28 surface operations, ensuring the movement of over 2 thousand personnel and over 9 million pounds of cargo. I know to evaluate a problem, I know how to create a plan, and I know how to follow through - all I need are the means to do so and the support of the students I’ll be representing. My job as ASMC President would not be to represent the status quo - but to represent you. I promise to ensure, with the support and cooperation of the ASMC Board of Directors, your voice will be heard.
Tyler Summerhill
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
I'm interested in running for this Associated Student Position because it provides an area too be a facilitator towards the broader community. Especially in conversations where members of the community feel like they are not being heard or misunderstood. I'd love to provide that space for students, faculty, administrators, and parents of students too feel like this is a space for their words to become a significant piece in the annals of Moorpark College.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
Some ideas and goals that I have in mind to enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at our campus would be as follows:
First, for student life, I would encourage students to learn about the different faculty, staff, and administrators that are here to support students. For example, a student last semester that I knew had Nonresident tuition problems and their friends came up with a solution to ask every student they knew if they could help. Their solution was to ask each student for their emergency grant fund. Luckily, I had met Dave Anter earlier in the semester during the Thanksgiving luncheon for international students. He told me all about his passion for just wanting to help nonresident students and long story short I was able to connect Dave and the nonresident student so they wouldn't have to ask for any more emergency grant funds. So, the goal I would have to enhance the student life would be a club rush but not for clubs. For the faculty, staff, and administrators who do so much for the students.
Next, to support advocacy on campus I would collaborate with the Student Success Center and FYE to spread the message of workshops and events that specifically help new students. Such as telling them about Raider Central, the equity hub, or tutoring at the library.
Lastly, for engagement, I would listen to student's individual needs that could benefit the community. For example, at Club Rush, I met a student who wanted to know more about the presidents of each club. Now of course this is all online in the virtual club handbook, but they had recommended a roundtable kind of event for the presidential members of each club. I thought this was a great idea to get to know each president and what their club had to offer on a more personal level.
Then another level of engagement for a broader audience of students would be to have events out on the quad or in the CCR to a specific group of people. For example, instead of a Career Fair, it can be a STEM fair where it's just everything STEM. Possibly even something like a Visual art or performing arts day. So, these students who are only focused on their one goal will feel like the school is catering to them to succeed.
Also, engagement can be just as impactful by having field trips like the Japanese Garden field trip for example. Then first offering the opportunity to students who are interested in botany or biology.
Jeff Jung
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
I’m interested in running for Vice President because I want to serve the student body along side Ada Muzuglu in the Rise Together slate. Leadership is a skill that I can exercise from the experience that I have in leading the cyber security club and Delta Alpha Pi Honor Society. The experience that I have from transferring in the California State University system is something that can benefit other students. I am driven and passionate in everything that I do. I am a non traditional student and I have many years of experience in college. I want to share my expertise by representing the Moorpark College student body. The work ethic that was instilled in me was to never give up. To get the right things in place for student success approaches like mine is crucial for proposals in student government to see fruition.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
My vision for student life is student empowerment in the challenging times that affects how they exist in the California community college education system. Programs that offer vocational services by providing mock interviews with private sector hiring managers from different fields should be emphasized. This could give the participants insight on how their college experience can serve them in the competitive process of finding a career fit given their area of study.
Students who attend Moorpark College need the right support systems that allow them to develop their skill set while they benefit from low costs of living from the generosity of community members and family. I think that the college needs more events that serve as insight forr parents and other community supporters of students.
The opportunity to build a foundation for university level studies while attending a California Community college that students experience should help prepare them for the emotional and physical demands that come with finding success in competing in university level programs. More opportunities for internships and university exchange programs should be scheduled.

Tiffany Beam
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
I am running for the Vice President of the Associated Students of Moorpark College because it is imperative that whoever is elected for this position has an eye on the internal structure of the student government. I have been with the Associated Students of Moorpark College throughout the year. At first, as a delegate and then being recognized for my work ethic and commitment to you, the student body and being promoted halfway through the year to the Director of Sustainability at Moorpark College. I know what it takes for ASMC to better serve our student population. There is no lag period for me, the moment I get elected I can hit the ground running and make sure that the representatives you elect are as efficient and supported as possible. The Vice President’s position is to ensure that the board meets the students' needs and in my time at ASMC I was able to gain the knowledge and background necessary to be the best candidate for Vice President of Moorpark College’s associated students. With this I will also make sure that the board of directors our student population votes in will keep to their promises. I am running for ASMC Vice President because I know our mission and what it takes for me and the incoming elected board to do right by our students.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
First and foremost, a clear line of communication between the associated students and the student body is a utmost priority to me. Within the time I have been the Director of Sustainability at Moorpark college I have regularly engaged the public through open forum committee meetings where our student population weighs in and advises me. I intend, as your Associated Student’s Vice president, to put out newsletters on the ASMC’s initiatives and incoming projects to open ASMC up to our students. I want to start this now, email me with any questions or to simply get to know me better at . Secondly, I strongly believe in the importance of student life to better student's time at Moorpark but also a sense of community and belonging. I intend to listen to the stakeholders of this college, students like you, and plan events and/or advocate on what they want to see from the associated students. Some ideas I have include flea markets at Moorpark, networking mixers designated for student's majors, and the ASMC board of directors to directly fund and collaborate with Club events. However my scope goes beyond engagement on campus but to advocacy as well. As your elected Vice President of the Associated Students of Moorpark College I will advocate to better the day to day life at Moorpark. This includes pushing for backup generators to be funded by the associated students. Over this year Moorpark was afflicted with power outages due to winds, I wish to amend these losses of student time. Secondly I will promote changes to Moorpark's wifi to not kick students off when their device turns off. Lastly I promise to go to the highest level with the issues our student body may face whether that be discrimination, legislation, or grievances. Being elected to the position of Vice President is a promise on my part to the Students of Moorpark to serve you.
Valerie Martinez
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
I've always been actively involved in school activities. During my time at Camarillo High School, I was a member of the ASB for two years, and my senior year I served as the Parliamentarian for the class of 2023. I also enjoyed contributing to the school community by helping to paint decorations for dances and plan parties, including our prom. These experiences, especially my time in ASB and as Parliamentarian, have ignited my passion for student leadership and fueled my desire to run for Vice President at Moorpark College. I'm eager to bring my experience in organization, planning, and collaborative work to Moorpark and believe I can effectively serve the student body in this role. I'm excited about the opportunity to contribute to the vibrant campus life here at Moorpark College and make a positive impact on the student experience.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
As Vice President, my priority would be enhancing student life at Moorpark College. I'd advocate for expanded academic support, including tutoring and improved study spaces. Streamlining administrative processes and promoting academic clubs would be key initiatives. I'd focus on creating a vibrant campus community through diverse events and activities. Fostering a sense of belonging and improving communication between students and the college are also crucial. Addressing student needs, from parking to safety, would be a top priority. Supporting student organizations and promoting diversity and inclusion would be essential. I'd champion mental health awareness and wellness initiatives. Collaboration with student government and the administration would be vital for effective advocacy. Regularly seeking student feedback would ensure I'm representing their best interests. Transparency and accountability in my actions would build trust within the student body.
Anne Pham
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
I’m excited to run for Academic Affairs because, as someone who has been advocating for human rights, I can voice student's concerns and ensure that their academic needs and interests are addressed. I’m passionate about spreading awareness of important academic resources, like tutoring, study spaces, and mental health support, to help students succeed both academically and personally. I’d also love to foster more inclusive learning environments in both courses and events, encouraging all students to feel valued and supported. For example, I would work to promote study resources, such as peer tutoring programs or extended study hours in popular study spaces. Additionally, I’d advocate for inclusive events, such as workshops on diversity in education or open forums where students can share their experiences and suggest improvements to our academic environment
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
I believe several initiatives can significantly enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement, such as hosting Study Skills Workshops, organizing Faculty Meet-and-Greets, and creating Peer Study Groups. Social media also plays a powerful role in boosting engagement and fostering community. We could leverage it for fun, interactive giveaways, like Mental Health or Student Giveaways, to connect with students. I love being on social media, and I’ve always enjoyed watching ‘Interview Students’ TikToks. I think a similar approach like going around and interviewing students about their lives and majors would be a great way to learn more about our campus community. For instance, we could ask students to rate their outfits, why they chose that major, or share what makes them happy on campus. Featuring students on our social media would not only highlight their voices but also encourage more student interaction and engagement. We could launch a Moorpark College series like ‘Campus Life in 60 Seconds,’ where students share a quick tip or piece of advice related to academics, or even ‘Behind-the-Scenes with Professors,’ offering students a view into faculty life, making them feel more connected.

Austyn Smith
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
I am interested in running for this position to further advocate for my peers and create more equitable opportunities in order for all students to excel. My goal in life is to help others; whether it is through my job as a tutor or through volunteering for my community. I aspire to be of service to all and hope to help fellow peers through this position as well!
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
Students on campus seek to create the best versions of themselves through rigorous coursework and extracurricular activities. Within this position, I hope to further enhance students' academic success by providing helpful information and accessible support. I would endeavor to help underrepresented students through new scholarships as well as provide an enhanced academic experience through educational opportunities such as field trips, future career events and student outreach.

Ezechiel Gohourou
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
I am deeply interested in running for the Director of Budget & Finance position with ASMC because I have a lifelong passion for finance and a clear goal of becoming an investment banker. My experience as a cashier at KFC in Côte d’Ivoire equipped me with essential skills in managing financial transactions, overseeing cash flow, and ensuring accuracy. These experiences will provide a solid foundation for success in this position. This represents awesome opportunity for me to dive into what I love, develop my leadership abilities, while contribute to Moorpark College’s student community. I am eager to oversee the ASMC budget responsibly, ensuring that student resources are allocated transparently and effectively to support programs and initiatives that enhance campus life. This role aligns perfectly with my career aspirations and allows me to gain valuable experience while serving my fellow students.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
If I’m elected as Director of Budget & Finance, I’d use my passion for finance to make a real difference for students at Moorpark College. Here’s what I’d focus on:
1. Boost Funding for Student Programs:
I’d dive into ASMC’s budget and make sure we’re using our money wisely, putting more resources into things like mental health support, cultural events, and academic help; especially for groups like the Latinx Club, Black Student Union (BSU), and Multicultural Club. This would help create a campus where everyone feels included and supported.
2. Promote Transparency and Financial Literacy:
I’d organize workshops and open forums to show students exactly how we manage the budget, being totally transparent about where every dollar goes. I’d also teach them about money management to build trust and empower them to advocate for their needs. As someone who dreams of becoming an investment banker, I’m really passionate about helping people feel confident with finances.
3. Fund Fun, Sustainable Events:
I’d work on getting funding for cool, eco-friendly projects and big campus events like sustainability initiatives or celebrations with clubs like M.E.Ch.A. or the Muslim Students Association. These would get students excited, engaged, and connected to our values.
4. Make Club Funding Easier:
I’d simplify how clubs get their budgets so they can host more impactful events, building a stronger sense of community and advocacy across campus.
With these ideas, I want to use my financial know-how to make Moorpark a thriving, inclusive place where every student feels supported and empowered. That’s what drives me for this role!

Jackson Hill
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
During my time as an ASMC Delegate this year, I have had the opportunity to observe the ways that student government can serve Moorpark students. Before joining the program, I was unaware of the scope of funds that ASMC has access to. It is worth noting that ASMC collects over 100 thousand dollars a year via your student activity fee. I would like to see this money go to the best use possible for every student.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
I have one simple goal for my time as Director of Budget and Finance, and that is to maximize the value that comes back to the students who pay into the system. As an economics major, I recognize the importance of the dollar when it comes to having an impact on individuals and communities as a whole. As an ASMC director, it is my commitment to fellow students to watch out for wasteful spending and ensure every penny goes somewhere where students will feel it.
Hadassa Bani
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
I’ve heard about associated students position on Wednesday and I think that it’s a great opportunity for me to give my ideas to improve college life.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
If selected, I plan to organize diverse events o such as cultural celebrations and wellness workshops.
Candidates TBD
Colin Allen
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
I'm excited to run for the Director of Public Relations position because I truly want to promote the value of community and connection on Moorpark's campus. As someone who learned to love Moorpark's campus experience and all the opportunities it offers after being a fully online student, I know firsthand how transformative engaging with campus life can be. Through this position, I aim to create that experience for others by clearly communicating the joys of on-campus events, amplifying student voices, and fostering a strong sense of community at Moorpark. Through this position, I'd be able to use and perfect my graphic design and social media marketing skills that I've learned as a Graphic Design major. Also, I'm excited to get a chance to work with clubs, student organizations, my ASMC peers, and students of all kinds in this position.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
If elected as Director of Public Relations, my goal would be to maintain the strong momentum of ASMC’s outreach while finding new ways to connect students to campus life. I want to work closely with clubs and organizations to help promote their events, making it easier for students to discover opportunities that interest them. I’d also like to explore ways to reach students who aren’t on campus as often since I know how important it is to feel a sense of community. By continuing ASMC’s strong communication efforts and fostering collaboration across campus, I hope to make every student feel more engaged, informed, and connected.
Dragon Lore
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
I am a confident communicator and an artist with an eye for detail and nuance. I believe I can apply my skills to PR to better reach, interact and communicate with the members of the college. Beyond just the role I would specifically serve, I am interested in how the student body apparatus works and what it achieves. Additionally I want to better understand the underlying mechanisms that enable events and important services to be realized.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
My goal would be to enlighten students on the value of their time and sincerity in reaching their goals in life. K-12 school and college are but temporary chapters in life but each period of our lives has opportunities lying beneath the surface. My generation struggles with feeling lost or with feeling anything positive in general, through handling public relations I am to illuminate these hidden meaningful opportunities that many would miss or take for granted. Chances to make memories, to learn things that can be only learned outside of the classroom and to connect. Beyond this I aim to learn through my experience where defects in our organization are in general and to correct them. This would be broad and the focus would impact more than can be reasonably predicted.
Kaylee Martinez
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
I’ve always had a love for art and design, however as other responsibilities took precedence, I found myself drifting from these creative outlets. Now I am excited about the chance to dive back into this passion and believe that running for the Director of Public Relations offers the perfect opportunity to do so. In high school I actively used my design skills to advocate for the clubs I was involved in. I created posters and promotional materials that helped boost student engagement. This meant taking time to talk with fellow students, gathering their ideas on what would make events more appealing, and working to bring those ideas to life. Witnessing how a well-crafted flyer could spark interest and bring people together made me realize the power of visual communication. Taking on this role would let me combine my creativity with my dedication to enhancing student engagement, making communication more enjoyable, accessible and engaging. With my skills and my passion, I am confident I can contribute positively as Director of Public Relations!
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
If elected, I have many ideas that I believe can enhance student life and engagement at Moorpark Community College, with a strong focus on ensuring students feel supported and informed. To boost student engagement, I propose launching a student-run news broadcast that features interviews with students, highlights school events, and provides information about valuable resources. This initiative offers a unique opportunity for student involvement, both in front of the camera and behind the scenes. By covering topics that matter to our student body, this broadcast could become a go-to source of information that keeps everyone connected and informed. Beyond simply being informative, the news broadcast would serve as a powerful tool to build community and school pride. By utilizing this platform, we can promote inclusivity, raise awareness of campus initiatives, and encourage more active participation in school life. I believe it will also strengthen the connection between students and the board, as students will have direct access to information that affects them most, while feeling more involved in the decision-making process. I have many more ideas that could truly enhance student life and engagement at Moorpark College, and I’m excited about the opportunity to bring them to life. I’d be honored to contribute to strengthening the relationship between students and the board, ensuring that our campus is a place where everyone feels connected, informed, and empowered.
Anna Flavin
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
I am interested in this position as I believe it would be a fantastic opportunity, and allow me to help others while gaining leadership experience and meeting new people.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
I would want to use the position to continue to uphold the strong and positive connection between the students and ASMC. In my first year as student at Moorpark, I've been impressed by how caring ASMC has been, in establishing cultural events and support systems for both the students and faculty. I would be very honored to represent this exceptional school, by advocating for the students, in ASMC meetings, the board of Trustees meetings, and SSCCC meetings.
Daniel Espiritu
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
I am interested in running for Director of Student Advocacy because I believe that I share the same ideals as a majority of Moorpark's student population, and I would love to be able to act in their best interest. I am a very open-minded person in argument, however I am willing to stand behind someone else's opinion, given valid reasoning. As the Director of Student Advocacy, I would not be afraid to take action and let the student's wishes come to fruition.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
If elected, I will conduct frequent crowdsourcing surveys and/or polls in order to better grasp all possible perspectives of those attending Moorpark. With the information that I gather, I will be able to better represent the necessities of Moorpark's students in the monthly SSCCC meetings.
Daniel Sosa
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
I have always been interested in advocacy since I was young. When I was growing up with family members who were heavily involved with law enforcement, I was naturally raised to champion for what I believe in. I’m majoring in criminal justice and interested in becoming a criminal defense attorney. Advocacy is one of the most crucial elements of my life, therefore.
I am also deeply passionate about free speech and expression. However, I also recognize the flaws within our campus. Many people hesitate to acknowledge issues such as gender gaps and the decline in first-generation student enrollment, believing these matters are solely the responsibility of faculty. A common mindset is: “Students don’t need to worry about it since someone else will take care of it.” This sentiment could not be further from the truth. I believe students should have the power to create change whenever possible. Without student voices advocating for progress, crucial decisions would remain with individuals who may not have their full attention to address student concerns. As a result, the likelihood of resolved issues would significantly decrease. Students should take responsibility for improving their own academic and campus experiences.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
I am particularly drawn to opportunities for collaboration, as I believe fostering trust is essential to enhancing the campus environment. To me, strong community relationships are key to improving the physical and mental well-being of students. I am committed to fostering understanding among everyone on campus. Regardless of race, gender identity, or class. Moorpark has been both my home and my inspiration. So I am dedicated to giving back in any way I can. Whether by advocating for extensions in tutoring support, communicating with faculty to access critical information, or addressing systemic challenges faced by students, I am prepared to go above and beyond to support student success at Moorpark College.

Estelle Tiongson
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
The position of Director of Student Advocacy strongly aligns with many values of my own, most notably that of responsibility, consciousness, and respect. In my life, the access towards higher education has not been easy and that is a resounding sentiment that echoes among my community college peers. As colleges and universities notably become less attainable, it is paramount to advocate for the education of our current and future generations. Community college offers an incredible opportunity for students of all backgrounds to further their education, and I aim to be their voice in order to ensure that they receive the support needed to succeed.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
As Director of Student Advocacy, I strive to continue making Moorpark College a safe and engaging space. I want to embrace the concerns of the students here on campus and work towards a solution that will ease their hardships and benefit future students. As Director, I would like to incorporate more activities aimed towards enriching student life and engagement. One goal I have in mind is to foster collaborations between cultural clubs/organizations, to promote deeper cultural understanding amongst our student body. In order to promote sustainability and advocacy, an idea I would also like to implement is offering culinary workshops. Culinary workshops would be a way for students to become more involved with their health, the environment, as well as help build essential skills needed to navigate through life. Although these are only two goals to be accomplished, my utmost goal would be to provide any support I can offer to the students of Moorpark College during my time as Director of Student Advocacy.

Arabella Abutin
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
As the ASMC Director of Public Relations this 2024-2025 term, I oversaw the publicity and promotion for ASMC projects and events. I established graphic standards to maintain a sense of professionalism and to promote consistency on our social media, while also fulfilling the minimum duties of my role. Through ASMC, I found myself working closely with multiple student organizations throughout my term. I served as a member of the Inter-Club Council and made sure clubs were aware of campus posting policies and different methods of advertisement. I introduced the club check-in system over the fall semester as a way to bridge the gap even closer between ASMC and clubs, and I worked closely with the Director of Student Organizations to make sure clubs are getting that 1:1 attention they deserve. Outside of ASMC, I am the president of the Asian American Pacific Islander Club at Moorpark College, and I work with the club to promote AAPI culture and community on our campus. Through my experience in student government, my involvement with the Inter-Club Council, and running a club on campus, I can assure you that I have what it takes to be your next Director of Student Organizations.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
This upcoming term, if elected as Director of Student Organizations, I’d like to focus my attention on being that #1 support system for clubs and student organizations on campus. I will make improvements to the club check-in system by fostering a more welcoming and supportive environment, ensuring meetings feel like collaborative discussions rather than formal check-ins. By connecting club officers with the resources they need, whether it’s guidance, event planning support, or solutions to challenges they face, I hope to empower clubs to thrive. On that note, I also understand that recruitment and keeping membership active can be tough, so I would also like to update the virtual club handbook with resources on recruitment and retention for club officers to refer to. I’d also like to showcase the different clubs on campus through our social media platform, especially for newly activated clubs, whether that’s doing a spotlight video series on Instagram or finding ways to promote newly added clubs to students other than club rush.
Claire Shin
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
As a first year student returning after a long 8 year break, I faced significant challenges in securing basic needs such as food and resources like school supplies to continue my education. Through the services offered at Moorpark, I found not only the support I needed but a sense of community and encouragement from the dedicated staff. These services truly made a profound impact on my journey, and I am passionate about giving back by helping expand and enhance these resources. As the future Director of Student Services, I want to help improve the accessibility so that every student who needs support knows where to find it and feels empowered to seek it.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
If elected, I was to improve the outreach and engagement with the students. I have found that when I mention Raider Central, Access or even the EOPS program, it is not well-known. One initiative I'd like to introduce is a "pop-up" in high-traffic areas such as the library- snack stations for quick games or refuel carts with Student Services info on display. This way, we can directly connect with students who need the fuel to focus on their studies. I have found that not all students have time to visit the quad during events, especially since it's not "on the way" for most of us.
Additionally, I think it would be great for student clubs or different organizations to "adopt" a service. Once initiated, it may be a beneficial way to demonstrate the resources offered while providing an inside look to all the hard work it takes to offer these services. Word of mouth is the best advertisement!
Jack Reed
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
I am interested in running for this position because I truly want to make a difference in the lives of my fellow Moorpark students; I want to better their physical and mental health by improving upon the environment around them. On top of this, I feel my environmental goals align with Moorpark College‘s.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
I am a long time climate activist, and a leader. I have organized trash cleanups both on our beaches and in our river basins; I have also advocated for people to buy from small and local businesses as they tend to be more environmentally friendly and protectionist. I feel that my environmental goals align with Moorpark College and I believe that my ideas will benefit the students of Moorpark greatly. I will make sure that all water fountains throughout campus have filtration systems attached to them, I will work toward getting solar electricity charging stations installed in all of the parking lots across campus and I will start a student gardening program that would allow students to learn how to grow fresh fruits and vegetables for all of the students of Moorpark to enjoy.

Maria Kozureva
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
I’d like to run for the role of Director of Sustainability because I see it as an amazing opportunity to involve myself in different sustainability initiatives on campus, as well as a way to help students get involved. I think it would be a great way to build community and relationships and create a more environmentally friendly campus. I’d like to help develop existing programs such as the gardening club and the on-campus garden, as well as create new initiatives and events that promote eco-friendly practices.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
I’d like to work on expanding the on-campus garden and creating more hands-on opportunities for students for connect with sustainable practices. I would also like to organize various environmental awareness events to encourage student involvement.
Oxnard College

Ariana Villalobos-Castillo
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
I am interested in running for president because I have one year of experience with OC ASG and I feel like knowing what I know now I can fully execute a good role as president.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
A goal of mine would be to have CORYTALKS a program that will educate students on the resources they have and how they can reach them.
Elizabeth Taylor Sky Enad
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
I'm running for Vice President of Oxnard College because of my passion on creating a space where every student feels valued and supported. Being at Oxnard College, I have constantly felt this way and I want to be able to give back to the community. Through my leadership experiences in various clubs, I ensure that I constantly highlight underrepresented communities, making sure they feel seen, heard, and supported to achieve their educational and career goals. I believe that my experience and commitment to diversity and inclusivity will allow me to effectively represent our student body hence why I am interested in running for this position.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
If elected, my goal is to create events that highlight and celebrate the different communities within our college aiming to enhance student life. I plan to reach out to underrepresented figures in various careers to inspire students and provide networking opportunities.
Candidates TBD

Natalia Jimenez
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
Having been a part of the Associated Student Government (ASG) for about a year now, I have had the opportunity to experience countless awesome experiences, from making lasting friendships to advocating for those who may feel voiceless. Attending conferences allowed me to connect with not only the faculty and staff from Oxnard College, but also representatives from other schools and institutions, which has been incredibly rewarding and helpful. If re-elected, I am confident that I can apply my newfound insights and knowledge to improve upon my previous term. My goal is to foster stronger connections within the student body and create opportunities for all students on campus. I aspire to ensure that Oxnard College strives harder to be a place where everyone feels comfortable expressing their true selves without fear of judgement or shame. While Oxnard College is already known as ‘The College with a Heart,” I aim to contribute to making it a tighter community that embodies both heart and soul.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
If re-elected for the position of Director of Budget and Finance, my primary objective would be to ensure that the Associated Student Government’s funding is utilized effectively for the benefit of our students and student resources. I plan to actively pursue opportunities that include enjoyable field trips, university visits, career exploration events, advocacy initiatives, and de-stress activities. With a year of experience under my belt, I have gained valuable insights into the event planning process and the necessary protocols for bringing these ideas to life. Navigating the college's systems is essential to successfully implement these events and activities. During my second term, I plan to refine the funding approval process within ASG more than I already have, enhancing its efficiency not only for our organization but also for our advisor in managing funds effectively. Additionally, I am committed to mentoring first-year ASG members, guiding them through the intricacies of ASG, and helping them develop their networking skills to uncover opportunities for their peers, just as I did! :D <3 Moreover, I intend to introduce personal finance workshops specifically focused on credit card management and overall budgeting. It has always been a passion of mine to empower my fellow students and peers with knowledge that can enhance their financial literacy, especially as they transition out of high school into community college and beyond. My goal is to share practical, first hand, advice on credit cards and budgeting—
insights that are often overlooked. I will also provide guidance on establishing and maintaining good credit and effective budgeting strategies. These are the hardest of times right now, getting budget cuts and layoffs. I want to help ensure that our students are well prepared for their future, sooner rather than later! Thank you!
Eternity Lucero
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
I really like the idea of filming and editing videos for ASG's social media, as well as creating posters to promote events and activities happening on campus. Contributing in this way would allow me to engage with the ASG while using my creativity to enhance campus life. I would also enjoy writing the newsletter as writing is one of my favorite pass times and has also won me a handful of scholarships and awards. Additionally, this experience would be beneficial for me personally. Since my major requires me to not only film and edit videos but also promote my own work, getting hands-on practice with ASG would help me develop those skills in a real-world setting.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
I want to organize more events and activities for students who may not have as many opportunities to participate, such as evening students and those in majors like film, art, nursing, etc. These students often miss out on field trips and campus events, and I believe it’s important to create more inclusive and engaging experiences for them. Expanding access to these opportunities can help build a stronger sense of community and support among all students.
Next semester, I plan to take this initiative further by organizing even more events and conducting surveys to better understand student needs. By gathering direct input, I can ensure that activities and trips are designed to be more inclusive and representative of the diverse student body. This will help create spaces where all students, regardless of their schedule or major, feel seen and valued. Additionally, I want to focus on creating more events and trips that celebrate and uplift students of color and those from different cultural backgrounds. Representation and inclusivity are essential in fostering a welcoming campus environment, and I hope to bring more cultural celebrations, heritage events, and opportunities that reflect the rich diversity of our student community.

Ashley Hernandez
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
As a first gen student, higher education seemed foreign to me from the college application to FAFSA process. I didn't know Oxnard College had resources available to me. I used to feel like college wasn’t for me because of how confused I was. After having conversations with my fellow peers, I realized that I was not alone. I attended a Proyecto Exito Camping Retreat with a lot of students, and we all had different backgrounds and unique stories. I also got to hear of their struggles, as a student on campus and online. This made me want to advocate for myself and other students. I know there needs to be change in our campus in so many ways. I am a part of this organization called Justice for All VC and this January, I helped organize a Women's March with them. Since fall of 2024, I have dedicated 300 hours of advocacy work. In Fall of 2024 I also became a part of the ASG and made an event called the Wellness Fair before midterms to help students. This made me love my experience in ASG as the director of Advocacy and would love to continue that. I love to advocate! Being your director of Advocacy, I will be your voice! I have the passion to make a positive change in our community and in our campus.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
If elected, I would like to create more safety nets for our students in all communities. I want them to be welcomed in every part of campus. That is my goal! I want our campus to be more accessible for our students with disabilities. With some work I want to improve the communication within administration and students, which will make lots of things accessible and affordable for students.
Levi Duarte
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
I am interested in running for Director of Advocacy because I want to help other student's voices be heard. I believe running for this position would help with my educational journey. Joining the associated student government could help me in the future by giving me opportunities to network and form connections. This last year my main focus has been on community outreach and advocating for South Oxnard as part of my fellowship with CAUSE. In the fellowship the center of attention is on leadership skills. With CAUSE I have gained public speaking skills and learned how to organize events. As my fellowship ends in May I want to join a new position to expand my knowledge in community organizing.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
I find it important for students to build relationships with each other. An idea I have if elected is to bring awareness to recycling on campus to help clean the environment. If elected my goals are to connect with other students to help their voices be heard. While serving in this position I want to help build people power within Oxnard College. I am an active student on campus with my lived experience and I can help other students feel comfortable. Another goal I have is to spread my knowledge about clubs and events on campus. I want to advocate for all students at Oxnard College and help them locate the resources available.
Candidates TBD

Botros Saleb
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
I’m running again because I genuinely want to continue helping students reach their academic goals. Supporting students and enhancing campus life has been incredibly rewarding for me, and I'm excited to keep making a positive difference.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
If elected, I plan to focus on actively listening to students’ academic needs. My goals include organizing helpful workshops and resources, encourage more involvement in campus events, and ensuring all students feel supported and connected.
Albert Guzman
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
My name is Albert. I am an athletic person myself and believe I can use my student and work skills to support myself as Athletic Director.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
I would enhance good communication and provide engagement opportunities.
Elena Hernanez
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
I am interested in running for this Associated Student position because I am passionate about creating an environment where all students can thrive, both academically and athletically. Being involved in sports throughout my life has taught me the importance of teamwork, discipline, and perseverance, and I want to create opportunities for others to experience those same benefits.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
As Director of Athletics, my goal would be to ensure that every student has access to resources and support to excel in their athletic endeavors, I would focus on promoting inclusivity, strengthening school spirit, and enhancing communication between the athletics department and the student body. I believe this position would allow me to contribute positively to the school community while promoting wellness and a balanced lifestyle for all students. To enhance school spirit and create better communication between the athletics department and the student body, I would organize a "School Spirit Day" featuring friendly competitions between students and athletes, with prizes/spirit wear. This event would create a sense of unity, showcase athletic achievements, and provide an accessible platform for students to engage with the athletics department directly.
Ventura College
Kamea, Kellner
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
I am interested in running for the Associated Students President position because of my passion for student engagement. I credit the ASVC for keeping campus life so vibrant, they are a group that balances both fun events, as well as student advocacy within administration/faculty, these initiatives align with both my personal and academic values. With my limited time here at Ventura College before transferring, the role of President allows for me to engage with as many students, faculty and community members as possible. The reach this role has to impact so many people is what draws me to it, because it brings the best opportunity to advocate for students and spread their voice to all. As President, it is crucial to the general student population to have someone who is willing to speak up, stand up, listen and complete objectives in their best interests, and I am fully dedicated to every one of those aspects. Being in ASVC this year, I was able to gain insight as to how important the time commitment to this role is, and it is something I am prepared to incur again next year.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
If I were to be in the role of ASVC President for the next academic year, I would be excited to host more student forums, and student-input focused events in order to best connect with as many students as possible. Along with understanding the student voice, I would be eager to join on-campus committees, such as the Student Housing committee, in order to effectively communicate the information gathered from students. I would also be excited to work with my team to ensure everyone gets to engage with students as well. I would particularly be in contact with the Director of External Affairs to ensure advocacy initiatives, and understand how we are impacted by policy on all levels. It would be a goal of mine to host an advocacy workshop in conjunction with the Director of External Affairs for all VC students so that they are aware of the administrative/policy aspect of our colleges, offering them a platform of communication. These are just a few ideas I have if I were to fulfill the role of President, however there are many more that I would be enthusiastic to bring to the board.
Isiss Mena
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
I am excited about the opportunity to run for the associated student position because I genuinely want to make a positive impact in our school community. I believe that every student's voice is important and deserves to be heard. My goal is to create an environment where everyone feels included and valued. I am passionate about bringing fresh ideas to the table, organizing enjoyable and meaningful events, and fostering better communication between students and school leadership. If I am fortunate enough to be elected, I promise to dedicate myself to representing my classmates, listening to their concerns with empathy, and taking meaningful action to enrich our school experience together.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
I am dedicated to creating a more enjoyable and inclusive school environment for everyone. To achieve this, I plan to organize engaging events such as spirit days, cultural celebrations, and mental health awareness activities that resonate with the diverse interests and needs of our student body. I truly believe in the power of communication, so I will work towards establishing regular feedback sessions where students feel safe to share their thoughts and concerns. Your voices matter, and I want to ensure that they are heard by our school leadership. Furthermore, I am committed to advocating for policies that prioritize student well-being. This includes enhancing access to mental health resources and academic support, so every student can thrive. To foster a sense of belonging and active participation, I intend to create more leadership opportunities and make club activities more accessible. I also plan to make campus resources and events more accessible for students through the use of social media, ensuring that no one feels left out. Together, we can build a supportive and vibrant community that truly reflects our collective spirit.
Briana Becerra
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
I am interested in running for Vice President because I genuinely believe in the power of student leadership to create positive change within our community. This role presents an opportunity to not only contribute to the betterment of our campus but also to further strengthen my own leadership skills. Throughout my first year at Ventura College, and as the current Director of Public Relations for ASVC, I’ve had the privilege of exploring and learning from student life. I've been fortunate enough to contribute and lead events such as the Self Love event, which allowed me to experience firsthand what it takes to organize and execute a successful event that students truly enjoyed. Through this experience, I’ve gained a deeper understanding of how ASVC operates, what works well, and where there’s room for improvement. As Vice President, I would take the lessons I’ve learned to continue building on what’s already been achieved and work to make the 2025-2026 academic year even more successful. One of my key priorities is ensuring that all students feel heard and represented, especially first-generation students like myself, and those who may find it difficult to speak up. I want to create a safe space for students to share their concerns, ideas, and needs without fear of judgment. I see this role as an opportunity to advocate for my peers, and continue building a supportive, inclusive, and engaged student body. By being a voice for my fellow students, I hope to contribute to a campus environment where every individual feels valued and empowered to make a difference.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
If elected, I would make it a priority to attend club meetings that I haven’t been a part of yet. By doing this, I would gain a broader understanding of the diverse perspectives within our campus community. This would allow me to stay connected with students from all walks of life and support their initiatives when it comes to ASVC and ICC meetings. My goal would be to ensure that every student feels heard, valued, and represented. One idea I’m excited to implement is a "Student Comment Box," both physical and online, where students can anonymously share their thoughts, ideas, or concerns about student life. I understand that it can be intimidating to speak up in person, so this would provide a safe and accessible platform for students to voice their opinions without fear of judgment. By having this system in place, I believe we can gather more meaningful feedback and continue improving our campus environment. I also love seeing how our student body comes together at ASVC and club events. The sense of community is inspiring, and I would strive to not only continue these events but also explore opportunities to host even more. Whether through larger campus-wide events or smaller, more intimate gatherings, I’d want to ensure that students have plenty of opportunities to connect, engage, and enjoy their time here. Overall, my goal would be to further strengthen the sense of community and inclusivity, making sure all students feel like they have a voice and a space where they belong.
Julissa Perez
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
As the ASVC Director of External Affairs, I would aim to address issues related to student representation, community engagement, and career readiness for our students. One key goal would be to strengthen the bridge between Ventura College and the local community, especially local employers, organizations, and universities, to provide our students with more networking opportunities, internships, and post-graduation pathways.
I would also focus on ensuring that underrepresented students, such as first-generation students are empowered with the resources and support, they need to succeed academically, professionally, and personally. This includes advocating for resources that help reduce barriers to success, such as affordable textbooks, mental health services, and professional development opportunities.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
To advocate for these changes, I would organize student town halls and forums to gather feedback from students on what they feel is most important. I would also collaborate with community organizations, alumni, and other external stakeholders to create a stronger network of support for our students. By actively engaging with the broader community, I believe we can open doors for VC students to thrive.
It would be a tremendous opportunity to further develop my leadership skills, professional abilities, and sense of community. I have always believed in the power of collaboration and advocacy, and this role would allow me to channel those values into action. I would be able to use my leadership experience from previous roles in ASVC and my work with student organizations like SHPE and WOMXN in STEM to create meaningful partnerships with external stakeholders.
In terms of professional development, this position would allow me to build relationships with professionals in various industries, expanding my network and gaining insights into how I can support students as they transition into their careers. Additionally, by bringing diverse perspectives into the conversation and advocating for all students, I can foster a deeper sense of community at Ventura College, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to engage, learn, and grow.
Serving in this position would also give me the platform to advocate for policies that directly benefit students, such as reducing financial barriers and increasing opportunities for networking and professional development. It would allow me to lead with a sense of purpose and passion, all while creating a lasting impact on the student body.
Angel Ayala
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
I am running for ASVC’s Director of Administration because I am passionate about ensuring organization, dedication, and efficiency within not only our student government but most importantly within our Ventura College Community. As your former ASVC Vice President and Director of Community Relations, I have gained experience in all board operations, all policy procedures, and all governance procedures by following the Brown Act and Robert’s Rules of Order, which are policies that must be followed to host all of our ASVC Meetings.
By keeping ASVC’s performance , I aim to support our student leaders, faculty, staff, and administrators in carrying out their initiatives effectively. My dedication to student advocacy, attention to detail, and commitment to complying policy procedures make me fully prepared and confident to serve as your Director of Administration for the Associated Students of Ventura College.
As a first generation Mexicano Student I will continue to advocate for each and every one of our student's needs, keep on pushing for more equitable and inclusive policies, and to expand cultural awareness initiatives at Ventura College.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
If elected as Director of Administration, I am determined to create life changing experiences by ensuring more inclusive and equitable policy initiatives that include community, support, and inclusivity that truly reflect the diverse needs of our Campus community. I will make sure to communicate effectively and be transparent with our community members regarding any campus initiatives, meetings, and committees so that everyone is informed about our campus/district.
I am very passionate about Advocacy. As President of the I.D.E.A.S. (Improving, Dreamers, Equity, Access, and Success) club, I am devoted to uplift and empower undocumented students, ensuring they have the resources and support necessary to succeed. As a Multicultural Center Planning Committee member, I am committed to shaping and implementing a safe and inclusive space where students from all backgrounds can come together to learn, celebrate, and advocate for their communities. I will ensure that our meetings and events & activities are all advocating for our student’s needs.
Lastly, I will ensure ASVC hosts more pop-ups, mixers, and interactive events while working closely with student clubs and organizations to create more collaborative and inclusive opportunities. I firmly believe that Engagement is more than just events and activities. Engagement is about building a campus culture/community where every student feels a sense of belonging. Because of my dedication to bring more student engagement on campus, as past Director of Community Relations, I decided to Found ASVC Crew, which is a student led organization which is committed to having students gain engagement and professional experience and volunteer at the Student Activities Office, events and activities, and at our bi-weekly Meetings.
If elected, I pledge to serve our community with Integrity, Inclusivity, and Compassion and also ensure that our Board of Directors and I are fully committed to serve our outstanding Campus Community. Thank you!
Zyanya Garcia
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
I am interested in running for Director of Finance because I want to be part of supporting student life at VC in a way I know best. I am familiar with financial record-keeping and budget handling as an Accounting major and current office worker and I believe I can be, or quickly learn to be, a great addition to the team. I want to shape up my leadership skills and become a strong advocate for my peers by doing what I can to impact students' life on campus. I want to be part of the reason why students can say they felt welcomed and supported by Ventura College.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
In terms of ideas or goals, I noticed that a lot of events happen in the early afternoon. I want to perhaps, focus on creating and sustaining events that happen a little later in the day for students that are in class or at work.
David Hernandez
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
Because I would Like to make the campus more enjoyable for students
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
Making it fun for ideas to interact with each other
Steven Guzman
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
I'm interested in the position of Director of Student Clubs and Organizations because I believe that having accessible clubs is a great opportunity to grow the community at Ventura College whilst also giving students a chance to foster leadership. I have been active in ASVC as the same role I'm applying for last Fall and current Spring semester, I have enjoyed advocating our student's voices and hope to apply my current knowledge of the role in the future.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
Some goals that I have in mind would be to help increase club efficiency by helping clubs with communication between club and student, establish a monthly club meeting outside of ICC to network, and to provide fun events exclusively for club executives and members. These are some goals that I have in mind if I were to be elected.
Kimberley Garcia
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
I have been part of the VC family and its culture since my junior year of high school. As the leader who reopened and revitalized a club, I have worked to build a strong community within my major. This position would allow me to expand my impact and bring benefits to a wider audience. I have a strong sense of leadership and a deep passion for fostering growth on our campus.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
If elected my goal is to strengthen the support system for student organizations/clubs and help foster a more connected and engaged campus community. Having led a club myself, I understand the challenges student organizations face, from recruitment to event planning. I want to create more opportunities for clubs to collaborate, access resources, and grow their presence on campus. This includes possibly organizing club fairs, leadership workshops, and networking events to ensure every student finds a place where they belong. Additionally, I’d work on improving communication between clubs and the student body, making it easier for students to discover and participate in campus organizations.
Natalie Valdivia
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
Every student on this campus has their own stories and experiences that shape our student body and I believe that is something worth celebrating. I have always felt a passion for wanting to positively influence the campus by helping ALL students in situations where they can feel more included and heard. I strongly believe that using my experiences as a student can aid our campus culture and make sure every student knows they belong here. With all of our stories and experiences combined, we can continue to strengthen the values of equity and inclusion at Ventura College!
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
I plan to initiate ideas and goals that will help students feel included and heard in ways beyond the surface. One of these ideas includes improving club culture through extra support for both members and officers. Being part of or running a club can be challenging in its ways, and I believe that having my form of "office hours" or a form where students can let out any ideas or concerns can be a way for me to better support them in the process. All students are different in their unique ways, so hearing what students have to say about clubs can be an individualized way to support them. I would also address issues regarding equity with fellow students, such as students of different types of backgrounds. I would strengthen various resources on campus such as mental health support, LGBTQ+ support, and Dreamer support just to name a few. There are a plethora of resources on and off campus that students may not be aware of, including more through social media promotion, email, or even just as a poster on the bulletin board shared knowledge can make sure that students can get the support they need and deserve. Getting the word out more is a simple way to do it, however, if needed, an increase of resource fairs or resources at resource fairs when possible is also a way to make sure students are aware of different opportunities. Lastly, I believe that just being a student for every student is a way to change our campus culture for the better in even smaller ways. I want students to know that I am willing to make sure they are heard and that I can assist them when possible. I was once in a position where I felt like I didn't belong on campus, so if I could help students change the way they feel as well, that would be more than enough.
Alessandra Rivas
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
I am interested in running for this Associated Student position as Director of East Campus because I am passionate about helping others and making a positive impact on my community. As a first-generation student studying to become an immigration lawyer, I understand how vital it is for people to feel heard and supported. My experiences have taught me that every voice matters, and I want to bring that message to East Campus.
Throughout my first year in this position, I had the opportunity to meet so many amazing people who showed me that East Campus is like a miniature family. The students here are kind and always come together for events, creating a strong sense of community. I’ve been fortunate to organize events that have been greatly appreciated, and I want to continue providing opportunities for students to connect and grow.
With East Campus being small, I believe we have a unique advantage to personally engage with students and ensure they feel included in the Ventura College family. As Director, I plan to bring even more resources and events to East Campus that support student success, whether it's academic assistance, wellness programs, or just fun activities to build community spirit.
I am committed to continuing the work I've started, making sure that every student has the opportunity to feel welcome, valued, and supported. By continuing to provide meaningful events and advocating for more resources, I aim to create an environment where every student can thrive., If elected as Director of East Campus, I would focus on fostering a sense of community and belonging for all students. One of my primary goals is to create more inclusive events that cater to a wide range of interests and backgrounds, ensuring that every student feels represented and engaged. I would also work to increase communication between students and administration, providing clear channels for feedback and advocacy on issues that matter most to our campus community.
I am particularly passionate about expanding the Basic Needs Center at Ventura College, ensuring that students have access to the resources they need to succeed both academically and personally. Collaborating with organizations like VCEC and supporting the HSI (Hispanic-Serving Institution) grant Project Port is another key initiative I would prioritize. This project focuses on supporting post-traditional students, and I would work to further enhance its reach and impact.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
Another idea I am excited about is expanding the space at East Campus for students to enjoy their meals outside during breaks. It would create a more comfortable and welcoming environment for students during their downtime.
Additionally, I attended the ESCALA conference, where I had the opportunity to work alongside various Hispanic serving institutions nationally to ensure that student voices were being heard and considered within all aspects of our college planning. I’ve had the privilege in collaborating with faculty, staff, and presidents who attended the conference to further implement these teachings within our college in various ways ensuring students are always considered in decision making.
My ultimate goal is to build a campus culture where students feel heard, connected, and empowered to shape their own experience. I am committed to making East Campus a place where all students feel valued and supported, and I look forward to the opportunity to continue serving the community in this capacity.
Jasmine Perez
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
Hello! My name is Jasmine Perez and I am currently studying Mechanical Engineering in my fourth year at Ventura College. I am running for Director of Public Relations for the 2025-2026 academic year. Having previously served as Vice President and Director of Public Relations, I am eager to return to this role, leveraging the lived experiences I've gained both within and outside of Ventura College. These experiences have shaped me into the mentor and leader I am today and I am passionate about using my knowledge to help all students from various backgrounds.
In addition to my time in Student Government, I have had the privilege of working in various roles that have enhanced my ability to connect with and support students. I’ve worked at Ventura College Outreach, Financial Aid, and currently serve as a STEM Navigator under the Title 3 Project S.A.I.L. in STEM grant. I also work as a Student Assistant for the MESA program and serve as a lead mentor in our community, volunteering for the Navy Base to raise awareness of STEM in underserved communities. These roles have allowed me to give back to the community that has supported me, and I’ve gained invaluable insights into how we can better engage with students from all backgrounds.
Additionally, I founded my own club, Womxn IN STEM, which has quickly become one of the most active clubs at VC since its start in Spring 2023. This has given me the chance to develop leadership skills, organize events, and, most importantly, connect with students who are passionate about making a difference in the world of STEM. I continue to create flyers for my club, as well as for other departments and organizations on campus, because I believe in the power of technology to spread important messages and keep students informed.
My goal as Director of Public Relations is to build on my previous experiences and create a more connected campus where all students, especially first-generation students, are empowered to navigate their educational journey. I understand the challenges that come with being a first-gen student, and I want to ensure that no student feels left behind. I believe that effective communication is key to helping students access the resources they need, and I plan to use my skills in design and outreach to ensure that our campus is not only informed but also inspired by our campus community.
I am excited about the opportunity to serve once again and to continue making an impact on our campus community. Together, we can create a more inclusive, connected, and informed environment for all students!
Thank you for your consideration.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
If elected as Director of Public Relations, my primary focus will be to enhance student life and create more opportunities for student engagement, advocacy, and connection on campus. I strongly believe that student retention and success are tied to how well students feel connected to their campus, faculty, and peers. Here are some of my key goals to achieve this:
Partnering with Campus Departments and Local Community:
I plan to actively collaborate with both our campus departments and local community organizations to help showcase important resources that are available to students. Whether it’s academic support, mental health services, career counseling, or extracurricular opportunities, I want to ensure that students are fully aware of and have easy access to the tools they need to thrive. By partnering with community organizations, we can also build a stronger bridge between the college and the surrounding area, furthering student experiences.
Fostering Personal Connections Between Students and Faculty:
One of the challenges students face is feeling disconnected from their professors and peers. To build stronger relationships, I propose initiatives that will help students engage with faculty and each other on a more personal level. Whether it’s through informal meet-and-greet events, networking mixers, or collaborative workshops, creating spaces for students and faculty to connect outside of the classroom will help to build a sense of community and belonging, which I believe is essential for student retention.
Clubs Highlight Page:
To promote student engagement and advocacy, I want to create a Clubs Highlight Page that showcases the various student organizations on campus. This page will provide visibility for clubs, allowing students to learn more about the opportunities available to them, whether it’s through joining, starting a new club, or attending club events. It will also serve as a resource for students interested in civic engagement and advocacy, allowing them to get involved with causes they care about in a meaningful way.
Increased Student Involvement with ASVC and Hands-On Experience:
It’s important for students to have opportunities to directly engage with student government and understand how it functions. To facilitate this, I would encourage more hands-on involvement with ASVC by providing opportunities for students to volunteer and participate in the decision-making process. Whether through volunteering at campus events or attending ASVC meetings, I want to create pathways for students to gain practical experience and learn more about student governance. This will empower students to become more involved in their campus community and give them a sense of ownership over the changes happening at Ventura College through ASVC Crew.
Through these initiatives, my goal is to not only inform students about the resources available to them but also create an environment where they feel empowered to engage, advocate, and build lasting connections. I believe that fostering a more connected, engaged, and informed campus will contribute to higher retention rates and greater student success.
No candidates are currently in the running for the ASVC Director of Community Relations position. Please check in with ASVC after June 1, 2025, to share any interest in running.
Jaime Adame
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
I love to plan events and activities for students. I want the students have the best events and activities.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
We need more trips for the students to have fun together. Have a farm on campus. Bring mini horses and rabbits for the students.
Alessia Saliby
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
I am interested in running for this particular Associated Student position because of my previous leadership skills in this area. During my high school years, I was elected as the bonding director for HOSA at Foothill Technology Highschool. This position put me in charge of all activities and events involving my cohort, a long with the other two cohorts. I was also in charge of planning meetings with the students in the bonding area, as I was senior lead. I gained critical knowledge of leadership and how to plan and coordinate different events that allowed all bioscience students to gain knowledge while simultaneously having fun with their peers. One event I planned involved coordinating the entirety of "Bioscience Olympics" which was an after school event that took months to plan. This event allowed me to figure out problems and plan around weather conflicts. I highly enjoyed planning and creating new events for the academy, which is why I am interested in running for the position of events and activities officer.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
If elected, I hope to initially promote inclusivity and diversity, while simultaneously advocating for the student needs on campus. I plan to do this by creating and planning events that help incorporate everyone on campus. Listening to the students needs is crucial to understanding what the students on our campus want, so by using surveys and other means of communication to the students can allow us to gain that understanding, which we can translate and incorporate into our events. If elected, I hope to ensure the comfortability of everyone on campus by promoting inclusivity, so everyone has a chance to learn, experience, and grow.
Anthony Ramirez
Please share why you are interested in running for this Associated Student position.
I am passionate about serving as an Associate Student at Ventura, because I want to strengthen the community's support for athletics and increase student engagement. I understand the role well, and I have previous experience in sports and a strong connection with athletic programs. Having worked alongside the athletic liaison before, during my term as the Community Relations Director, has allowed me to gain the fundamental skills required to be able to connect and engage with others, allowing for a more insightful way to impact students. I am confident I can fulfill the responsibilities and more.
If elected, what ideas or goals do you have that would enhance student life, advocacy, and engagement at your campus?
If elected, I plan to enhance student life by increasing participation and awareness in sporting events. I will advocate for educational initiatives on maintaining a healthy lifestyle for those who aren't interested in fitness. I also want to support the development of club sports and work towards bringing awareness to discounted opportunities to help maintain health. I will prioritize mental health just as important as physical health, recognizing that both are vital for students to thrive.