Your specific registration date and time are available in the MyVCCCD student portal.
Priority registration appointments are assigned based on the following criteria and in the following order:
1. Priority as defined by statute for
- CalWORKS students
- EOPS students
- DSPS students
- Foster youth and former foster youth
- Homeless students
- Military veterans and active duty personnel
2. Students currently participating in
- Athletics, beyond your first semester as verified by a designated athletics counselor
- First-Year Experience
- Federal TRIO programs
- Associated Student Government, elected and appointed officers from each college as verified by the Associated Students advisor
3. Continuing students with 76-90 units* in good academic standing.
4. Continuing students with 45-75 units* in good academic standing.
5. Continuing students with 30-44 units* in good academic standing.
6. Continuing students with 15-29 units* in good academic standing.
7. Continuing students with 1-14 units* in good academic standing and Middle College Special Admission high school students.
8. New students who have completed orientation, assessment, and an educational plan and returning students who have not attended in at least one year, have completed fewer than 90.5 units, are in good academic standing in the Ventura County Community College District, and have completed orientation, assessment, and an educational plan.
9. Open registration for all students (excluding Special Admission students), including:
- All students who have been placed on academic or progress probation or more serious academic sanction for two consecutive terms unless you successfully appeal to have your enrollment priority reinstated based on verifiable extenuating circumstances.
- New and returning students who choose to be exempt from participating in orientation, assessment, and/or the development of a student educational plan (see Exemption information above).
- Continuing and returning students with more than 90 units unless you successfully petition to have your enrollment priority reinstated.
10. Other Special Admission high school students not associated as Middle College and other concurrently enrolled minors.