VCCCD Outreach and Marketing oversees the District and college social media accounts. The District and colleges' social media accounts are managed through a single content management system to provide efficiency and streamlined outreach and promotion. VCCCD Outreach and Marketing monitors the access and security of District and colleges’ social media accounts. The District maintains and provides user access to college marketing teams for college social media accounts.
Social media is an effective tool in communicating to students, staff, and the community for general and promotional messaging, as well as emergency messaging. Coordination between the District and the colleges reduces response times and allows for consistent messaging. It also permits for collaboration with the Office of the Presidents and Chancellor and accomplishes unified, timely, and professional messaging. The District posts information applicable to all VCCCD sites and District initiatives planned with a content calendar. The colleges are responsible for posting campus-specific information to their sites; however, the District works in collaboration with college marketing teams during emergencies and other times of need to ensure seamless communications with students and the community.
VCCCD Outreach and Marketing, in collaboration with VCCCD Information Technology, administers and maintains oversight and security of District and college social media accounts.
The goals of the VCCCD social media accounts are to:
- Engage with students, the community and strategic partners to share important information regarding the Board of Trustees, the District, and campuses; and
- Inspire students, parents and potential traditional and non-traditional students to enroll in a VCCCD college and to see the value of a VCCCD education on finding their career or building their skill sets to enhance their careers;
- Provide information about emergencies; and
- Support colleges and their efforts.
District and College Social Media Accounts
District social media accounts serve as a limited public forum and all content published is subject to monitoring. User-generated posts and/or comments will be rejected or removed (if possible) from any social media platform when the content:
violates VCCCD policy, including for students and employees who post, and the respective codes of conduct for students and employees
is a post that is unrelated to the District, its Colleges, or its mission
is a comment unrelated to the original post (i.e., is off-subject or out of context)
contains obscenity
contains personal identifying information or sensitive personal information of anyone
violates the District policy on sexual harassment and other forms of harassment based on protected classifications under California law (for example, race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age over 40, disability, national origin, among others)
contains a threat of violence
contains profane language, or any epithet based on protected classifications under California law
incites or promotes violence or illegal activities
contains information that reasonably could compromise individual or public safety
contains information or reference to a current or potential District litigation
content that encourages abusive fan behavior such as doxxing, dogpiling, brigading or off-platform targeting.
advertises or promotes a commercial product or service, or any entity or individual
urges the support or defeat of any ballot measure or candidate, including, but not limited to, any candidate for election to the governing board of the district (Cal. Educ. Code, § 7054)