Below are some of our more frequently asked questions. If you have a question that isn't addressed there, but you're not sure who to ask, you can check out our staff directory, call the general HR phone number at 805.652.5530, or email us.
For general inquires about new hire orientation, leaves of absence, employment contracts and offers of employment, email
For general inquires about recruitment, pre-employment testing, classification, and Personnel Commission, email
How can we help you?

Classified Staff
Classified staff are the non-teaching employees who provide essential services related to ensuring the operation of our District.
Confidential and Supervisors
Confidential and Supervisor staff are part of the classified service, but are not represented by a bargaining unit.

Academic staff include full-time and temporary (part-time) faculty.

Administrators include Classified and Academic Management as well as Classified and Academic Executive Management.