PHOTO SIZES (Hero image is 1440 x 700 or 1440 x 400)

If you add a photo here in the MAIN BODY SECTION in the content area, it can be any size. It will fill up the space accordingly. So if you have a small graphic, like the ticket, it will stay that size. But if the graphic is large, like the photo, it will fill up the space .

admit one


vc football
Check out our schedule



oc fire student
Meet Joe Smith


girls at FYE event
Oxnard College First Year Experience is a great way to meet new people
moorpark college students at welcome event

TO ADD A PHOTO HERE, just click on the E in the body menu (E = embed), then just follow the instructions for uploading a photo like you normally would.

OC students walk near student services


If you want more text below the image, it's best if you add your text first and then insert the photo above. It's tricky to add text under a photo once the photo is embedded.


All of this text is part of the BODY section.

moorpark college student services building lobby
this is a caption

The images below this are in the accordion section.

  • Mc Cheerleaders
    INTERIOR SLIDE SHOW images are 726x408
  • Oc fire Tech grads
    INTERIOR SLIDE SHOW images are 726x408
  • VC Veterans Center
    INTERIOR SLIDE SHOW images are 726x408
  • Accordion Title

    oxnard college student at welcome event
    this is a flexible CTA block. Photos here are 315x210
    and here is the caption area for CTA
    moorpark college zoo student holds snake
    Come visit our zoo!
    You can add a caption to a CTA (call to action) block. The box gets larger as you add more text.