OC LIVE invites you to join us for “ORWELLIAN” on Thursday, November 21st at 6pm in the beautiful Oxnard College Performing Arts Building.
In ORWELLIAN, Larry Cedar endeavors to capture the essence of author George Orwell. This one-man adaptation portrays three of Orwell's most memorable characters: the overworked dishwasher navigating a filthy Parisian kitchen (Down & Out in Paris & London), Major, the wise old pig seeking to revolutionize his barnyard comrades (Animal Farm), and finally Winston, the timid party functionary desperate to reclaim his physical, mental, and spiritual freedom within the confines of a dystopian and totalitarian London (1984). ORWELLIAN, directed by Pamela Cedar, examines the essence of human nature, political corruption, and the future of mankind.
This is a FREE event that is open to the public. No tickets are necessary. Parking is FREE in Lot “H.” Find all of our livestreams and event information on the web at oxnardcollege/oclive.
Oxnard College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or sexual orientation.
El Colegio de Oxnard no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional, sexo, discapacidad, edad u orientación sexual.