Full Time Instructor of Biology
Universidad Central de Venezuela (M.D.)
Pennsylvania State University (Master in Exercise Physiology)
Pennsylvania State University (Ph.D., in Human Physiology)
Lee VM, Hernandez S, Giang B, Chabot C, Hernandez J, de Bellard ME. Molecular Events Controlling Cessation of Trunk Neural Crest Migration and Onset of Differentiation. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2020;8:199. Published 2020 Apr 2. doi:10.3389/fcell.2020.00199
Kafoury RM, Hernandez JM, Lasky JA, Toscano WA Jr, Friedman M. Activation of transcription factor IL-6 (NF-IL-6) and nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) by lipid ozonation products is crucial to interleukin-8 gene expression in human airway epithelial cells. Environ Toxicol. 2007;22(2):159-168. doi:10.1002/tox.20246
Hernandez JM, Moccia T, Fluckey JD, Ulbrecht JS, Farrell PA. Fluid snacks to help persons with type 1 diabetes avoid late onset postexercise hypoglycemia. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2000;32(5):904-910. doi:10.1097/00005768-200005000-00005
Fedele MJ, Hernandez JM, Lang CH, et al. Severe diabetes prohibits elevations in muscle protein synthesis after acute resistance exercise in rats. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2000;88(1):102-108. doi:10.1152/jappl.2000.88.1.102
Farrell PA, Hernandez JM, Fedele MJ, Vary TC, Kimball SR, Jefferson LS. Eukaryotic initiation factors and protein synthesis after resistance exercise in rats. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2000;88(3):1036-1042. doi:10.1152/jappl.2000.88.3.1036
Kirwan JP, del Aguila LF, Hernandez JM, et al. Regular exercise enhances insulin activation of IRS-1-associated PI3-kinase in human skeletal muscle. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2000;88(2):797-803. doi:10.1152/jappl.2000.88.2.797
Hernandez JM, Fedele MJ, Farrell PA. Time course evaluation of protein synthesis and glucose uptake after acute resistance exercise in rats. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2000;88(3):1142-1149. doi:10.1152/jappl.2000.88.3.1142
Farrell PA, Fedele MJ, Hernandez J, et al. Hypertrophy of skeletal muscle in diabetic rats in response to chronic resistance exercise. J Appl Physiol (1985). 1999;87(3):1075-1082. doi:10.1152/jappl.1999.87.3.1075
Krishnan RK, Hernandez JM, Williamson DL, O'Gorman DJ, Evans WJ, Kirwan JP. Age-related differences in the pancreatic beta-cell response to hyperglycemia after eccentric exercise. Am J Physiol. 1998;275(3):E463-E470. doi:10.1152/ajpendo.1998.275.3.E463