Graphic of the VCCCD Police Department's Pink Patch. Black patch with pink text and a pink breast cancer awareness ribbon

The VCCCD Police Department joined the Pink Patch Project in 2023. The Department’s participation in the Pink Patch Project and sponsored by the VCCCD Police Officers’ Association is part of a worldwide breast cancer awareness effort.

Throughout the month of October, known as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, uniformed personnel of the VCCCD Police Department may choose to wear pink patches on their uniform. The Pink Patch Project centers on vibrant pink versions of the uniform patches, which have been specifically designed to stimulate conversation and raise awareness about the importance of early detection and the ongoing fight against the disease.

You can join the fight by donating today and supporting breast cancer research. Donations go to the “City of Hope,” a leading cancer treatment and research center. Visit the Pink Patch Project’s website to learn more about the program and to donate today!

Follow our social media pages to learn about upcoming fundraising events on our college campuses.