DCCC is the representative body designed to facilitate cross-District communication, support the governance processes at each College, and assist in District governance as described in the accreditation standards.
DCCC facilitates and integrates communication across the four sites of the District by:
Reviewing the Board agenda prior to action by the Trustees;
Recommending appropriate participatory governance structures for the District, and monitoring and assessing effectiveness of the implementation of said governance structures; and
Receiving and analyzing recommendations from College governance bodies and determining the appropriate next step for such recommendation.
Constituent agreement/disagreement/concern on Board items discussed with DCCC are noted as a Board informational item in the Chancellor’s summary statement “Chancellor’s Recommendations of Board of Trustees Agenda.” Discrete agenda items presented to the Board in areas of senate primacy contain advisory recommendations and comments from Chancellor, President, Vice President, Vice Chancellor, Associate Vice Chancellor and/or Dean.
The Chancellor has the right to accept, reject, or modify recommendations from DCCC. When the Chancellor rejects or modifies a recommendation from DCCC, they inform the group of the objections to their recommendation. The Academic Senates, Classified Senates, and Associated Student Governments (ASG) retain the right to present their comments on the Chancellor’s recommendation directly to the Board of Trustees.
The authority of DCCC is limited by the scope of delegated Board authority to the Chancellor, collective bargaining agreements, and constituent group authority as provided by law.
Members understand that they attend meetings to represent constituent groups at a College or the District Administrative Center. In this role, members formulate recommendations to the Chancellor through consultation and are responsible to serve as a conduit for information and the catalyst for discussion on topics raised at the District group and within the constituent group. These topics include, but are not limited to, the specific areas outlined in state law and regulation.