Project Budgets:

  • 4 acres of athletics fields development
  • 25,000 GSF of Gymnasium renovation
  • $8.37 Million Project Costs


  • Bond Measure S (Ex. B #31)

Current Schedule:

  • Program/Planning: 2004 (Completed)
  • Design: 2004 (Completed)
  • DSA/Agency Review: 2005 (Completed)
  • Bid/Award: 2005 (Completed)
  • Renovation: 12/2005 (Completed)
  • Track & Field: 08/2006 (Completed)


  • Gonzalez/Goodale

Project Objectives & Notable Features:

  • Soccer field with synthetic track and bleachers for 2500;
  • Restrooms with space for concessions;
  • New sound system for baseball field and soccer stadium;
  • Women's softball stadium;
  • Press box for baseball fields.
  • Existing Gymnasium building to accommodate gender equity regulations (Title IX) - including locker rooms, team coaching rooms and expanded equipment rooms;
  • Video education rooms and student athletics tutorial center;
  • New concession stand;
  • Gym bleachers repairs;
  • New training room.

Implementation Strategy: