View your appointment date in the Portal! If you have not completed your checklist or if you have a balance on your account, you may see a hold placed on your account. You will not be able to register for classes until the hold is lifted. Check your holds before your registration appointment.
Note: Information shown in screenshots of videos shows test versions of the MyVCCCD Portal and systems, but information and workflow shown are current.
Go to the Registration Page in the MyVCCCD Portal
Click on Registration Planner
Choose the term you are registering for and select which campuses' schedules you'd like to choose from.
Build your schedule
Want to explore your options? Look up classes by subject or instructor. Add these courses to your planner, generate possible schedules, and compare your options to find what works best for you!
Know exactly what you want? Directly add courses to your shopping cart by CRN in the "Current Schedule" button.
Register for classes in the Shopping Cart
Review your Account Balance
Registration Planner
VCCCD offers a helpful tool for assisting in registering for classes, and creating schedules that work for you. The Registration Planner is available to use on the Registration Page in the MyVCCCD Portal. You can view a short tour video below on how it works.
Ventura County Community Colleges provide classes in various of different types of instruction type. These varies based on what is currently being offered for a given term. Below are descriptions of each different type offered, and instructions on how to search for classes that offer these various types of instruction.
Note: International students can only take 3 units Online during each semester. When in doubt about your classes please reach out to your international counselor or the international office at your campus.
Meets face-to-face on campus, or an assigned off campus location.
Synchronous instruction is when classes occur on a set schedule; students and instructors are online at the same time; classes have at least one scheduled live session, either Zoom or Canvas. Students must attend (be online) at the exact same time as the professor.
Fully Online (asynchronous/no Zoom or live sessions)
Asynchronous class instruction, assignments, assessments, and communications occur online through the learning management system, Canvas. There are no Zoom or live sessions.
Partially Online (In-Person/Online Mix)
A mix of in-person and online instruction.
Hybrid/Partially Online
Courses that require classroom attendance with an online component.
HyFlex Classes
Certain hybrid/partially online classes are designed to provide students with more flexibility in their mode of attendance. These HyFlex classes involve class sessions in which some students attend class meetings in-person with the instructor on campus, and some students attend remotely and synchronously via a live Zoom meeting.
Please click on the notes section of your class to determine whether it is HyFlex. If you are enrolled in a HyFlex class, please contact your instructor for more information regarding when you are required to meet in-person and when you are required to meet remotely via Zoom before coming to campus.
How to search for classes with or without Required Zoom Sessions
From the Class Schedule Search, click More Options. Using the Mode of Delivery drop-down, you can search for online classes that have required live Zoom sessions or other online classes without required live Zoom sessions.
Click on More Options on the Class Schedule Search page to see more filtering options.
Use the Mode of Delivery drop-down to filter for online classes with and without required Zoom sessions
3. Paying for College
Note: Information shown in screenshots of videos shows test versions of the MyVCCCD Portal and systems, but information and workflow shown are current.
Payment Options and Fees
Students have the options of paying all of their fees in full, signing up for an interest-free payment plan, or having a sponsor or family member pay their fees. These options can be viewed and paid for in the MyVCCCD portal.
All fees are due and payable immediately upon assessment, which may or may not be at the time of registration. To view Payment Options, click the button below to visit our Paying for College page.
If you are a California Resident, and are interested in voting, check out our Student Voter Registration Page for more info.
Frequently Asked Questions
Each course offered by the Ventura County Community College District and its colleges is open to enrollment and participation by any person:
who has been admitted to the college and
who meets the prerequisites to the class or program, unless specifically exempted by statute.
Prerequisites are listed in the online Schedule of Classes and the College Catalog.
Information on requesting clearance for prerequisites can be found by visiting our colleges' Academic Counselling Offices.
Fees are due at the time of registration and must be paid promptly to finalize your registration and prevent holds being placed on your records and future registration privileges.
Print a copy of your Student Schedule/Bill to verify your registration in your MyVCCCD portal. Your Schedule/Bill provides the names of your instructors, days, times and locations of class meetings, and the deadline dates that apply to each class
Students may have the option of placing themselves on a waitlist for closed classes. If a seat opens up, waitlisted students will automatically be registered in the class in order of their priority on the waitlist. Students will be notified through MyVCCCD email when they are moved into a course off the waitlist and prompted to pay for the course to finalize registration.
A waitlist allows the student to wait for an open seat in a full class. Being on a waitlist does not guarantee enrollment in the class. If an enrolled student drops, the open seat may be filled by the next student on the waitlist in priority order. Payment within 24 hours is required to complete enrollment in the class.
If a seat does not open up, the student may request an add code from the instructor before the last day to add deadline for the specific CRN listed in the online Schedule of Classes. If the instructor agrees to add the student and gives the student an add code, students must utilize the add code in their MyVCCCD portal to register in the course. Payment for the course must be made to finalize registration.
Students are not officially enrolled until their name appears on the current faculty class roster. Canvas is not the official class roster.
The waitlist process functions different for semester length classes versus short term classes. Please consult the start and end dates of your course carefully to determine which process applies.
Semester Length Classes
The waitlist process extends through the end of the first week of the semester and applies to semester length classes only. That means students can still add their names onto waitlists for the first (1st) week of the semester and add authorization numbers will not be needed until the beginning of the second (2nd) week of the semester.
As students drop classes and adjust their schedules during the first week and as you drop no-show enrolled students, their movement out of a class will open up a seat and the first waitlisted student will automatically be enrolled. This will then allow all other students on the waitlist to move up a position and create space for a new student to add their name to the waitlist.
Short Term Classes
Waitlists for short term classes close the day before the class begins.
Canvas Access
Students that are waitlisted will have access to Canvas. When a student is waitlisted, they will show up on the class roster as waitlisted.
Students will only have access to Canvas as a waitlisted student for up to 14 days for semester length classes. Students waitlisted in short term classes will have access to Canvas as a waitlisted student for up to 3 days.
This means if the student is not officially registered after the time allotted was a waitlist student, they will be automatically dropped from the waitlist and lose access to Canvas.
You can drop a course in Registration Planner by doing the following:
Go to the Current Schedule section in Registration Planner
Look for the course you wish to drop
in the drop down menu next the the course, select "Withdraw"
Confirm you wish to save changes in the popup window
You will then receive a popup window confirming you dropped the course.
Once your instructor has given you an add code, you will then proceed into Registration Planner. Once in, you will follow the steps in "How do I drop/withdraw from a course in Registration Planner?" to withdraw from the course you are currently waitlisted in. Once dropped, you will then add the CRN number into the text field on the Current Schedule screen to re-enroll into the course. A popup will then appear and ask for the add code your instructor issued you. Insert the add code into the text field in the popup and confirm that you wish to proceed. You will then receive a confirmation popup showing that you had successfully enrolled into the course using the add code.