Every day at Moorpark, Oxnard, and Ventura colleges, we are in the business of turning opportunity into reality. Our jobs as professors, staff members, or administrators are to uplift the lives of those who step through our colleges’ doors and help them reach their goals. This April, as we celebrate Community College Month, we reflect on the role our colleges play in cultivating the skills of the future.

At the heart of our college district’s mission is equity in access, progress, and completion. The February 2022 Economic Impact of Community Colleges in Ventura County report highlights  that our programs positively impact the lives of approximately 35,000 individuals in the 2020–2021 academic year alone—individuals from our community seeking their next career path, advancing their skills, and discovering a new direction in life. Our aim is to further increase access and bolster equity, ensuring everyone who seeks our support can embark on their journey to success.

Our programs, whether students are working their way toward a certificate, an associate degree, a transfer pathway, or a bachelor’s degree, are all designed with the local economy in mind. As a high cost of living area, Ventura County has a problem that young people born here find that they cannot afford to stay. Additionally, our county’s major employers need to attract skilled workers to fill their open positions and stay competitive in their industries. Through partnership between the colleges and our industry partners, we aim to bridge this gap—our students need to know that their education will lead to greater opportunities and be worth the cost, and employers need to know that their new hires from our colleges will be ready to start their new jobs and thrive. This is why we work with local employers to refine curriculum, set up apprenticeships and internships, and create connections for our students to be fully equipped to meet the demands of the workforce upon graduation.

One important way that we are leading with our values is through our new bachelor’s degree programs. The statewide program allows California Community Colleges to propose 4-year programs that meet the needs of the local workforce while offering coursework that is not available at other local public institutions. Each of our three colleges have had their first proposals approved, with Biomanufacturing, Dental Hygiene, and Automotive Career Education degree programs all set to launch within the coming two years. Each program went through a thorough review process, ensuring they are tailored to meet the economic and educational needs of Ventura County. These targeted programs are developed in response to regional economic demands, equipping students with skills for leading sectors, thereby forging a workforce equipped for tomorrow's challenges.

Before our graduates can succeed in their future careers, they first need to find their way into our colleges, a task that can be difficult but important for many in our community. The Economic Impact report underscores a stark contrast in lifetime earnings: individuals with no college education face a potential earnings deficit of approximately $300,000 compared to those with some college experience, and this gap leaps to $1,200,000 when comparing high school graduates to those with a bachelor’s degree. This disparity underscores the critical need for equitable access to education. The barriers to higher education—beyond just tuition costs—pose a substantial long-term financial detriment to individuals. Recognizing this, our colleges actively dismantle these barriers through comprehensive support services and financial aid, including Promise Grants that significantly reduce or eliminate tuition costs. Our efforts are rooted in the understanding that investing in access to education pays dividends not only in the lives of our students but also in the economic health of our entire community.

Moorpark, Oxnard, and Ventura colleges are working at the forefront of shaping our region's future. Through innovative programs, strategic partnerships, and dedicated support services, we are breaking down barriers to education and creating opportunities for all. As we celebrate Community College Month, we're reminded of the value in uplifting our students and our role in driving Ventura County forward. Together, we are transforming and strengthening the futures of our community.
